Wilmslow NSPCC Quiz

Dear Friends,

As we have been unable to hold any fundraising events this year we are trying something new and have decided to run a quiz so that we can send much needed funds to NSPCC. The quiz is below. If you would like to take part, you can give your answers either by email, quoting the question numbers, or by printing off the quiz, adding your answers and posting them.

We suggest a donation of five pounds.  There will be a prize of £50 and if there is more than one correct set of answers, names will be put into a hat and we will draw out a winner. 

Payment is by cheque (payable to NSPCC) or cash, or if you do internet banking you can pay directly into the Wilmslow NatWest NSPCC account, in this case please give your name as reference.   Details below.



SORT CODE 01-09-69

Many thanks to all of you who have so kindly supported us in the past, particularly during these difficult times when there are so many calls on your generosity.  The need for fundraising unfortunately continues, with increased numbers of calls to Childline, especially during lockdown when children living in unsafe environments have been unable to access their usual support networks at school and with friends.  It costs £4 for a Childline councillor to answer each call and to provide a vital helpline for young people trying to cope with the problems caused by the pandemic, such as increased distress, fear and anxiety. There have also been many calls to the NSPCC Helpline from adults worried about the impact of the pandemic on children and the incidence of domestic abuse.These swiss replica watches with swiss movement are very suitable for carrying and can show your ciderbarrels, how to charge a kangvape.

If you have any friends who you think would be happy to take part, please forward this email to them.

The closing date for entries is Wednesday 10th March 2021.  When you reply don’t forget to include contact details so that we can send you the prize money if you win!

Kind Regards,

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