Electoral Roll Revision

St.Mary’s Church Electoral Roll in preparation for the Parish Church Annual Meeting to be held on 26th May 2024

The St. Mary’s Church Electoral Roll is checked each year over a 14-day period in preparation for the Annual Meeting.  This year’s revision takes place from Thursday 18th April 2024 until Thursday 2nd May 2024 inclusive.   

Please check your details on the current Electoral Roll, which is pinned to the noticeboard in the Church porch.  If any amendments need to be made, please contact Lesley Kershaw on 01625 532969 or email electoralroll@alderleychurch.co.uk by 2nd May 2024 at the latest. 

If you would like your name to be added to the Electoral Roll, please obtain an Electoral Roll Application Form from Lesley Kershaw and return it to her before 2nd May  2024.We provide top designs and affordable prices for fr.upscalerolex.to, read review https://www.ladyiphone.de/ and saler.

On Sunday 5th May 2024 the revised Electoral Roll will be pinned to the noticeboard in the Church porch.

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