Christian Aid “Honesty” Quiz

When the government changed the coronavirus regulations so that we couldn’t meet in groups of 6 I thought holding the Quiz on Zoom could possibly end in chaos.

However Anna managed to place all 60 participants, situated in 29 different places, into 13 separate groups with great skill. Chris masterminded the quiz even more expertly than usual in the new format. Indeed we could see the questions and follow our progress better than in the Scout Hall. The social contact was perhaps slightly subdued but Fosters managed to deliver 21 portions of Fish & Chips, almost on time, with one group meeting outside with a log fire to comply with the regulations.

You have raised a total of £779 greatly needed for the work of Christian Aid especially since we have been unable to carry out the House to House collection this year. This adds to the £505 raised during Christian Aid Week from the sale of tomato plants and a bulk flour purchase together with £500 from a windfall for changing our RBS bank a/c. Churches Together in Alderley have still been able to send a total of £1,784 to support Christian Aid. handyhüllen is not just Freebase, wearing crystals reflects your unique characteristics.

A very big thank you to everyone taking part and especially to Chris and Anna – Norman

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